LPW’s latest laboratory services datasheet focuses on apparent density testing

12 Feb, 2018


Apparent density testing is the latest laboratory service datasheet to be released by LPW.  ‘Apparent Density Testing for Metal Powders’ examines the reasons for conducting the test, and the methodology underpinning it.

“The apparent density measurement is a quick, cost-effective, standardised method of characterising the volume occupied by a given mass of metal powder,” says Lisa Holman, LPW’s Quality Engineer.  “It provides a useful measure of powder consistency for comparison and assurance.

“Not only do we conduct this test in our state-or-the-art laboratory, we also include the equipment in the LPW PowderFlow kit, allowing Hall and Carney flow testing, apparent density test and angle of repose to be performed in the end-user’s own facility.”

LPW’s PowderLab offers a full suite of tests for enhanced characterisation of powders, fully optimised for specific applications; tests AM components in validation studies; and conducts root cause analysis of failed builds. 


Tags: apparent density, additive manufacturing, powder flow, metal powder, News

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